Welcome to Heyes Lane Reception
“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn.”
Fred Donaldson
Dear Reception,
This is a little note that we want to share with you, believe all that you will read because all of it is true.
There are a few things that we would like for you to know, that throughout the school year we will help you grow.
We are excited to get to know you and all the things that you do, and celebrate along the way the things that make you, YOU!
We’ll get to meet your family and they’ll come to stay and play, inside your classroom where you come to learn each day.
We will greet you each morning and you’ll put your things away, you’ll find your name and carpet spot, ready for the day.
Our days are filled with learning and exploring inside and out, jumping in puddles or on the pirate ship is what Reception is all about.
In phonics, we use segmenting fingers to sound, segment and blend, To help with reading and writing which is our goal at the end.
In maths we’ll count up to ten using numicon and more, number, shapes and patterns are some of the things we’ll explore.
You can be a doctor in the role play or a baker in the dough, become an artist in the craft or let your imagination flow.
You’ll become a palaeontologist, dinosaurs you will find, or an astronaut into space, as you leave the Earth behind.
But learning is not just about the school work that we do, at Heyes Lane it’s about being Safe, Hard Working and Respectful too.
We will help you achieve high goals and put your knowledge to the test, when it comes to working hard, we expect you to try your best.
Some days will be a challenge, you may think I just can’t do it, even though you cannot yet, we are here to help you through it.
You will make new friends that will put a smile on your face. We will make learning lots of fun. This is our happy place!
We cannot wait to meet you,
Lots of Love
Miss Crerand and Miss Drummond x
Meet the team
Curriculum Overview

Homework Expectations
Your child will bring home a reading book and reading journal. Their books will be changed on Friday each week. We ask that you read with your child for at least 5 minutes every night and talk about what they have read. Attached inside of the reading journals you will find a prompt sheet which has examples of questioning.
In Reception, your child will receive weekly Phonic Homework on a Friday. This is to consolidate sounds, tricky words and high frequency words taught in school. It can be completed at your own pace but we do find that home consolidation helps us keep the pace and move on to new sounds in school. Homework is not expected to be handed in to school, however, we encourage photographs uploaded onto SeeSaw with a comment as to how they found the activity.
Each half term your child will receive maths homework based upon skills and knowledge they have been taught. This may include practising number formation, games and activities to complete around the house. Homework is not expected to be handed in to school, however, we encourage photographs uploaded onto SeeSaw with a comment as to how they found the activity.