Welcome to Heyes Lane Nursery
“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn.”
Fred Donaldson
We are Heyes Lane Nursery!
Love, compassion and care, In our nursery you will find,
A home away from home, we are one of a kind!
We love to learn and grow our brain each and every day,
In our amazing nursery we do this through our play!
We count ourselves so lucky that we help you all to grow,
Here’s a few things that we thought that you should know..
We’ll get to meet your family and they’ll come to stay and play, inside your classroom where you come to learn each day.
Each morning you will be greeted with a smile a wave or hug,
Which ever one you prefer we love all of the above!
We find your tray, your peg and your carpet spot,
We are always here to help you, as it can sound like quite a lot!
Our days are filled with indoor adventures and exploring the world outside,
Making dens, riding bikes and whizzing down our slide!
In phonics, we use segmenting fingers to sound, segment and blend, to grow our brain for reading is our goal at the very end.
In maths we’ll count up to five using numicon and more, number, shapes and patterns are some of the things we’ll explore.
You can pop on a blue construction hat and build a great big tower,
Or join in making play dough, don’t forget the flour!
We will explore the colours in the rainbow and mix them all together,
We will sing nursery rhymes so many times you will remember them forever!
We learn about different life cycles, the steps each creature takes,
Then we learn to cook, we will impress you with our bakes!
Being safe, respectful and hard working- our Heyes Lane rules are key!
We know they can be tricky when we are only three!
We will learn as we play, each and every day and take pride in our school Heyes Lane!
Remembering the start of our journey, nursery, where we first grew our brain.
We are excited to get to know you and all the things that you do, and celebrate along the way the things that make you, YOU!
Love from
Miss Irving & Miss Thorpe
Meet the team
Meet Our Class Bears
Within the Nursery classrooms, you will find a class bear. It is Betty and Berties job to keep a careful eye out for the children within their class. Every Friday they will choose a child to go home with for reasons such as : following the Heyes Lane rules, working hard or perhaps accomplishing a personal goal.
Each bear, their belongings and a diary will be sent home, so that over the weekend you can write and include photographs about the adventures that they had. Our class bears do not expect to be taken to see the Great Wall of China nor a five star stay, a family dinner and a story at bedtime is what they love the most. On Monday morning each bear and their belongings are to be returned to their class so that the class can learn about all the fun things that they did over the weekend.
Betty Bear
Bertie Bear