Ethos & Values
Our Vision and Purpose
An exceptional school for everyone.
We believe that the primary school experience plays an integral role in our pupil’s right to a happy, successful and a memorable childhood. Every day, we aspire to make our school the best possible environment and experience for our pupils. Allowing pupils to thrive and excel because they are cherished and valued – academically, socially and emotionally.
Our ethos is our practice
At Heyes Lane, everything we believe and value is at the heart of everything we do.
If our vision is realised every day, we believe we will have played our significant part in contributing to happy, successful and memorable childhoods. Our pupils will be prepared to embark on the next stage of their life journey – they will think intuitively and flexibly, be imaginative and innovative, communicate well and be able to work as part of a team. They will be responsible citizens, empowered learners and self-confident and proud in who they are. Together with their academic achievements, we believe these are the life skills and capital that will open doors for them and set them on the best possible track for self-fulfilment and happiness.
Our vision and purpose is underpinned by our five core Beliefs and Values.
Our five defining core beliefs:
We believe that teaching should inspire and lead to learning that lasts. Learning must be compelling and exciting and ignite curiosity. We use our teaching expertise to ensure learning is highly effective across all lessons.
We believe that by promoting a culture of achievement, every pupil will want to be the best they can be in all that they do. We place each and every pupil at the heart of their own learning and success. Expectations are high for all.
We believe that by championing individuality and personal growth, we allow our pupils to blossom and flourish. To be confident in who they are and to care deeply about themselves and others.
By designing a dynamic curriculum for today’s learners, we believe our pupils have the opportunity to immerse themselves in an exceptional and memorable curriculum. We innovate and adapt our curriculum to ensure it continually reflects our ever-changing world and gives our pupils the skills they will need to be successful in their futures.
We believe in trust, honesty and fairness; so we nurture our pupils to become active and ethical citizens. We want our children to grow up with a desire to make the world a better place; to care about themselves, their community and the wider world.