Heyes Lane Green Team
Here at Heyes Lane, we pride ourselves on being eco-conscious and we are passionate about making the school an eco-friendlier environment. The Green Team consists of members from Year 1 to Year 6 and is run by Miss Evans. We regularly get together to discuss and plan different ways to ensure the school is doing its best to be eco-friendly.
The Green Team aims to promote environmental awareness in our school and the local community. We take responsibility to ensure that everybody in school is being environmentally aware by carrying out tasks such as litter picking, classroom spot checks and handing out certificates to the most eco-friendly class.
Eco Code Poster Competition
Well done to the children of KS2 who worked extremely hard to produce beautiful posters to spread
awareness around the school. They wanted to spread the message of the Green Team and to share
their fantastic ideas to help lead the community of Heyes Lane to living more sustainably both at
home and in school. See if you can spot their posters which have been placed all around the school!

Box Trolls Invade Heyes Lane
Well done to everyone who entered the Box Trolls Recycling Competition – we had hundreds of entries, a great effort! See our ‘Work on the Wild Side’ noticeboard to view the winners!