Welcome to Heyes Lane EYFS

Hello and welcome to the EYFS section of our website. My name is Miss Irving and I am the EYFS Lead here at Heyes Lane. I am extremely passionate about how young children learn and I understand the importance of ‘getting it right’ in the Early Years as this will help the children leave Reception with the secure building blocks needed to guide them through their time at school.
It is our responsibility in the EYFS to introduce and embed our 5 Heyes Lane Beliefs and Values as well as promoting our 3 Heyes Lane Rules.
This year our Early Years provision for Nursery includes 2 classes. One Full Time class of 26 and a mixed class of 26 AM and Full Time children. Nursery have 2 classrooms in which they are able to free flow between them both as well as a large outside area. In Reception we have 2 Reception classes that take 30 full time children. Our Reception classes each have their own classroom which are connected by a shared area as well as a large outdoor garden.
Both the Nursery and Reception classes have a full time teacher and teaching assistant. If groups of or individual children are identified as working below expectations they will be supported within interventions from an intervention teachers.
We have a team of highly skilled Early Years Teachers and Teaching Assistants, who have a sound understanding of early child development and a great deal of experience working with this age group.
I hope this page answers any questions you might have and gives you an insight into how our wonderful EYFS provision runs.
Miss Olivia Irving