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Science at Heyes Lane Primary School

Our Vision

Curriculum Content


Science is taught thematically at Heyes Lane, with our core beliefs underpinning learning. Year 6 teach the unit of Light through their learning of World War II, making links to the Blitz and Blackout in Britain. Year 4 study their Living Things and Their Habitats unit through their geography unit on Rainforests. Thematic teaching and learning allows children to explore wider connections about the world around them, making links and deepening their scientific understanding. Our dynamic curriculum encourages children to become active and ethical citizens. From learning about the Earth and its seasons (Year 1) to understanding evolution and its effect on life today (Year 6), expectations of learning (knowledge, skills, vocabulary, etc.) are high at Heyes Lane. By promoting a culture of achievement, our children are able to meet – and exceed – these high expectations. The embedded knowledge throughout the whole school curriculum means that scientific learning lasts; children are able to revisit and build upon prior knowledge and skills rather than having to relearn lost learning. Autonomous and collaborative learning is at the heart of scientific thought and exploration and underpins our science curriculum.

Working Scientifically is embedded throughout our curriculum. Children are encouraged to question, observe, classify and record in Key Stage 1. In Lower Key Stage 2, our children manipulate scientific evidence to predict and analyse, construct and label scientific diagrams, and record scientific findings in a variety of ways. Our older children measure (using scientific equipment) and record data of increasing complexity, explore causal relationships in their findings and identify and explore evidence that has been used to support or refute scientific findings.

Progression & Outcome

The impact of Science teaching at Heyes Lane is measured through the implementation of a thematic curriculum, unit content grids, knowledge organisers and assessment quizzes. Thematic links and a solid foundation of previous (and later) learning make for a tightly-knitted curriculum. Knowledge and skills are embedded and developed year on year, with children working scientifically, as well as collaboratively, at the forefront.

By the end of their primary education, Heyes Lane scientists will:

  • make links between their learning and the world around them;
  • use complex vocabulary in a scientific context;
  • make evidence-based predictions and conclusions;
  • understand the importance of scientific data, and be able to interpret, record and analyse data across a range of mediums.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • start and end of unit assessments;
  • CPD to ensure that teacher pedagogy and assessment is secure;
  • regular feedback, marking and pupil voice feedback;
  • subject monitoring, including book looks;
  • regular low stakes knowledge assessments, using a range of creative approaches;
  • images and videos;
  • theme ‘outcomes’.