Emotional Health and Well-being at Heyes Lane
It is widely recognised that a child’s emotional health and wellbeing influences their cognitive development and learning, as well as their physical and social health and their mental wellbeing into adulthood.
At Heyes Lane Primary School, we are committed to promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing to all students, their families and members of staff and governors. Our open culture allows students’ voices to be heard, and through the use of effective policies and procedures we ensure a safe and supportive environment for all affected – both directly and indirectly – by mental health issues.
Principles of our Whole School Approach to Emotional Health and Well-Being
- To ensure we always have an ethos and environment that promotes positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in all staff and students.
- That we provide teaching and learning and a curriculum that develops resilience and supports social and emotional learning amongst our pupils.
- That our pupils have a voice; given the language to express themselves and the respect to be heard.
- As a school, we continually build our understanding and awareness of common mental health issues.
- That we with mental health issues, and know where to signpost them and their parents/carers for specific support.
- Ensure staff are aware and well trained to identify and respond to early warning signs of mental ill health in pupils, to provide the right support to pupils and to work positively and supportively with parents and carers.
Our Approach
Our approach to Emotional Health sits inside our Well Being and Personal Development Framework and therefore is closely linked to other curriculum aspects of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, Be The Best Me curriculum, physical Health, behaviour and British Values.
Our pupils learn about emotional intelligence through their weekly Emotional Intelligence lessons. These often take the form of a Circle Time, a shared story/film clip to generate discussion or a practical activity to create immersion and immediate practical context.
The Emotional Intelligence curriculum is part of our bespoke Be The Best Me curriculum and has carefully been designed to be progressive and well sequenced.
Emotional Intelligence support and additional provision.
At Heyes Lane, we recognise that some pupils will need more support and teaching in emotional intelligence than the weekly lesson. Just like interventions in Maths of English, specific provision is identified and targeted through a levelled approach. The diagram below shows to graduated approach to those needs.
*High Level needs would be supported through a range of external support agencies on-site and within Trafford
– Working with parents and carers
Family’s plays a key role in influencing children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing; we work in close partnership with parents and carers to promote emotional health and wellbeing by: