Our Vision
At Heyes Lane we believe assessment forms a fundamental part of teaching and learning and is a critical part of everyday practice.
It’s key purpose is to promote learning. Assessment works by enabling teachers to have a continually updated view of where pupils’ learning is up to. This will be within everyday classroom teaching, termly teaching programmes, end of the year and at the end of Key Stage 1(Y2) and KS2(Y6).
There are three types of assessment in school:
- In-school formative assessment – This takes place during the learning and focuses on the progress being made whilst the learning is happening. Timely and responsive teaching during this time has a significant impact on ther progress that the pupils make. This is
- In-school summative- this takes place after the learning and tells us what has been achieved. It is assessment of the learning that has taken place. This are the assessments that take place at the end of the terms work.
- National standardised assessments

- Assessment for Learning ( AfL ) is recognised as central to all classroom practice. It happens everyday.
- Skills and teaching strategies in AfL are a key professional skill for all teachers at Heyes Lane and there is a high level of expertise and skills in the teaching staff.
- Pupils are expected to demonstrate a sense of responsibility for their own learning and to recognise their own agency in this. We call this learner Autonomy.
- Pupils must receive clear, constructive and specific guidance on how to improve to enable them to develop autonomy.
- Assessments outcomes should be acted upon and used for future planning and teaching.
Formative Assessment
At Heyes Lane, high quality assessment is an on-going feature of daily classroom teaching. Teachers use a range of strategies to ensure that they have a clear understanding of how the pupils are progressing at any point in the lesson. Teaching will become responsive to this on-going picture and consequently, more targeted teaching can then take place to meet the varying needs of the learner’s as the lesson goes. Throughout the school, learners have a very clear understanding of what the learning ahead is going to look like and the timescales. This in turn gives them a structure against which they can see where they are, where they are heading and what they need to do next.
Teachers give excellent feedback throughout the learning process to ensure that all learners are equipped with the correct guidance for moving forward.
We believe in enabling our pupils at Heyes Lane to be highly autonomous. They are involved throughout the learning process and are expected to reflect, assess and contribute to their own progress. We teach our pupils a range of attitudes and learning behaviours to encourage them to be the reflective learners with a developed sense of their own responsibility and agency in the progress that they make.
Summative Assessment
These are the assessments that the learner’s undertake at the end of the termly teaching programmes. These identify what the children have successfully learnt, where any gaps may be and contribute to the planning for the next term’s teaching programme. From this information, the school will also be able to provide further, more specific provision for any pupils who may need to revisit some of the learning or further consolidate.
All pupils at Heyes Lane will take the statutory national assessments as listed below.
Reception Baseline Assessment
Y1 – Phonics Screening Check
Y2 – National Curriculum Assessments SATS
Y4 – Multiplication Times Tables Check
Y6 – National Curriculum Assessments