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Our Approach to Teaching and Learning

Our Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy reflects the fundamental principles that we use to plan and deliver all teaching across the curriculum. Our teachers are highly trained to design and deliver expert plans that weave together effective approaches and strategies for learning. Our pupils learn exceptionally well as a result of this.

At Heyes Lane Primary School, we believe that:

  • Pupils learn best when they are empowered to develop skills of autonomy – learning the skills, attitudes and habits of highly effective learners.
  • Pupils learn best when learning is positive, active and creative. Lessons have a clear purpose that fosters curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.
  • Pupils learn best when teaching reflects four key aspects of highly effective learning: F.A.C.E (Feedback, Autonomy, Challenge, Engagement) ensuring progress in the short, medium and long term.
  • Pupils learn best when strong assessment for learning and NOW feedback during lessons informs teaching. There is provision for support, repetition and extension of learning for each child, at each stage of the learning sequence.
  • Pupils learn best when the learning environment is ordered, the atmosphere is purposeful and children feel safe and emotionally ready for learning.

All teaching and learning is effectively designed to ensure our

  • Pupils are confident learners.
  • Pupils have the language and confidence to talk about their learning.
  • Pupils show ownership for their own learning and progress and take increasing responsibility in planning and organising their work.
  • Pupils use the ‘Learning Sequence’ structure to understand and take responsibility for consolidating and extending their own learning.
  • Pupils challenge themselves and have high expectations of themselves.
  • Pupils have the skills to assess and evaluate their own work and those of their peers and to make improvements.
  • Pupils engage in Home Learning and practice activities and are well motivated to do so.
  • Pupils who work well both independently and other groupings.

We want our pupils to think for themselves, to work with others to solve problems and to be confident to share ideas and to take risks. Our lessons are active and cognitive and through our enquiry –led curriculum, pupils explore and understand knowledge and concepts within thought provoking and stimulating questions.

We believe that learning is better when it is social. Therefore our teaching sequences promote collaboration and discussions. Through an Active Questioning approach, we expect all our pupils to engage in rich discussions, express their point of view and to be accountable for their role in a group exercise.  They are taught to consider points of view and to engage with these.

The Learning Sequence

We understand the pedagogical importance of the learning sequence .We teach ‘with the end in mind’ and our pupils understand their learning sequence from the very beginning. This enables learning to have a clear, step by step and visible pathway that can be followed easily.

Feedback and progress checks allow for the regular management of understanding and tells both the teachers and the pupils whether there is a need to repeat, practice or deepen… This makes success in learning clearly visible.

Sequences of lessons are carefully built to progress towards the outcome. Teachers at HLPS are expertly trained to a high standard to deliver lessons that facilitate this sequence effectively. Aspects of feedback, autonomy, challenge and engagement, and are the 4 cornerstones to our teaching.

We believe that children learn best when learning contains the following:

  • Teachers have high expectations of all children’s learning and provide appropriate scaffold to support all children to achieve.
  • Lessons begin with a recap of prior learning. This may be through quizzing, a short writing task or a quick classroom discussion.
  • New learning is then presented in an engaging and creative way, in small steps and through carefully planned explanations
  • Pupil participation in learning is maximised through a range of strategies: no hands-up, mini whiteboards, effective questioning and lesson delivery that is concise and engaging
  • Lessons are shaped according to the needs of the children: sped up or slowed down or levels of support adjusted following in-lesson assessment
  • Opportunities to practise new learning are embedded so that new knowledge is internalised and new skills become fluent and automatic
  • Pupils are given significant time to learn new skills and have time to practice those skills
  • Practice is guided initially, with levels of support being gradually withdrawn to foster pupil independence

Our teachers are highly trained and knowledgeable in both the subjects they are teaching and the understanding of pedagogy and learning. These two areas of expertise, in alignment with our curriculum design, ensures that our teaching is highly effective, motivating and enables our pupils to make the exceptional progress that they do.

Remote Education Plan

January 2021 Remote Learning Plan: Parents

This plan replaces our former plan, V2: Remote Learning plan: Parents (September 2020) and will be in operation as long as school is closed to all but our Priority Group pupils.

  • Section 1: Thinking and principles behind our provision model

    Aims and design considerations

    • To support our pupils to continue to receive the best teaching and learning we can possibly facilitate under these difficult conditions and to minimize lost learning as much as possible.
    • To employ an organizational model across the school that carefully and effectively meets the learning needs of all our pupils be they at home or in school and that we deploy our teaching staff in a balanced and equitable way to reach all pupils fairly.
    • To build upon the experience and expertise that we have gained since March last year in providing remote learning to our pupils and to take on board feedback given by parents in order to feel confident that a strong offer is in place for all pupils.
    • To continue to insist upon the best possible interaction and connection between teachers and their pupils by using live direct teaching lessons, streaming into classrooms and the interactive use of the platform MS Teams as the cornerstones of our provision. In doing so, we also ensure all staff are committed to the emotional and pastoral connection and support of all our pupils on a daily basis whilst they are learning from home.
    • To design teaching and learning to involve activities that do not require pupils to stay facing their computer all of the time and thereby reduce overall daily expectation of screen time and sedentary tasks. Brain breaks and small physical bursts will be included throughout the day.  
    • To implement a model that mirrors the content, organization and procedures in school as much as possible in a new remote context.
    • To provide a ‘learning at home’ timetable which delivers teaching that is approximately equivalent to the core teaching pupils would receive in school per day – KS2: 4 hours KS1 : 3 hours   EYFS: 2 hours
    • To ensure that our remote teaching allows interaction, assessment and feedback to take place daily using high quality remote education resources
    • To design a model and approach to learning activities that recognises the possible demand upon parents for supervising and supporting learning at home.
    • To ensure consistency in approach from all staff to remote learning for pupils who are not in school
    • To provide printed resources, such as textbooks and workbooks, for pupils who do not have suitable online access
    • To set out expectations for all members of the school community with regards to remote learning.

    Anticipated challenges and how we can respond

    • Remote education for younger children will typically need more involvement from parents, and parents may be facing a range of pressures at this time. We will be flexible and supportive and will be available for parental general queries and specific learning support during the designated slots. With the older pupils, teachers will develop pupils’ sense of autonomy and self-management through their access to MS Teams, live lessons and the design of daily tasks. 
    • Maintaining engagement from pupils on a daily basis. Teachers will make good use of opportunities within direct live lessons, streaming and HLPS videos used to set clear expectations for work submitted and to provide encouragement and celebration.
    • Supporting those pupils who usually rely on a high level of support in class. Teachers will provide differentiated work for different pupil groups – especially those needing learning support. Direction of TA’s will also be used to support these learners. Additional teaching support staff will be available to different Year groups to support guided and small focused teaching groups.
    • The demand on technological devices in the home may be stretched if more than one pupil in a home is needing to use a device throughout the day. Timetables for live lessons recognises such demands and have been adapted accordingly. All live lessons will be recorded and available for play at a later time.
    • The school have the loan of 16 laptops from the DfE and a further 30 from the school stock. We have allocated all these to families with no devices in the home whatsoever. Please contact school if you feel that you need support as a result of any of the following: You do not have access to the internet at home, you do not have a device to access MS Teams, or you feel that the demand for existing devices in the home is very high.
  • Section 2: The organisational model in place

    The model has the following arrangements

    • Each Year group has 4 pupil groups:

     A and B (consisting Priority group pupils in school) and C and D ( pupils being taught remotely)

    • Teachers are placed in pairs to alternate delivering the teaching remotely one week then the teaching within school the next week. Pairs are A&C and B&D. Therefore, your child will be taught by two teachers on alternate weeks ( in some instances where teachers are part time- the number will be three )
    • TA’s have been assigned to support the teaching of their usual Year groups.
    • If a pupil is part time on the key worker provision in school, they will either join their A or B bubble remotely on the other days by streaming live into the classroom or they will join their partner bubble (C or D) remotely.

      Teachers at HLPS will continue to:

    • Set work in order that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day. This will comprise of Reading, Writing, Phonics, Maths, Science, Theme, PE and pastoral ( Be The Best Me )
    • plan and deliver activities and teaching aimed at the support of  mental health and wellbeing as an area of priority for all pupils
    • Encourage pupils about the importance of a work routine and the expectations the teacher has of completed work every day from them. Perseverance and ‘having a go’ with tricky learning will also be emphasised and encouraged.
    • Continue to teach a planned and well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be taught and practised in each subject
  • Section 4: The range of remote learning approaches to be used

    Children at HLPS will access remote learning in the following ways:

    1. Live direct teaching. Through lessons delivered on Teams, pupils will receive real teaching and contact with their class teacher and class. Features of effective teaching and learning will be used within these sessions at all times. All of these are recorded and available to pupils.
    2. Streaming into live classroom lessons taking place at school; allowing pupils at home to be part of the teaching being delivered to their bubble in school.
    3. HLPS Teaching videos– these are used to supplement live teaching and for supporting independently set tasks. These are tailored to the needs of the pupils according to on-going assessments and relate specifically to Themes etc
    4. Independent tasks assigned for completion at home, sometimes including the use of workbooks
    5. Wider videos and resources from websites like BBC Bitesize, White Rose Maths and Oak Academy

    AT HLPS, teachers will use a blend of the above to deliver the most effective teaching and learning possible in the remote context

    • Direct live teaching will take place on MS Teams every day from Nursery to Y6
    • There will be at least three live direct teaching lessons each day in Reception to Y6. The same live lesson may take place more than once in a day in order to meet different learner group needs and to maximise effective teaching. A direct live teaching may be delivered to a small group by the teacher or a TA.
    • Live teaching lessons will be recorded and uploaded to MS Teams/Tapestry. Whilst we expect/prefer that pupils do join the live lessons (for connection, interaction, feedback and personalised learning advantages), the recorded lessons will allow you and your family to have more flexibility if you cannot make the allotted time for the live lesson.
    • All teachers should refer to the Using MS Teams Guide for Teaching for more details and links to helpful videos on using teams.
    • HLPS Teaching videos may accompany the live lessons on some days. A further task outline or pre-recorded teaching video/s will be used as and when teachers feel that these will support your child further.
  • Section 5: Curriculum Coverage

    Each year group will send out the timetable for home learning.


    Core Subject coverage

    Direct live teaching



    45-60 mins Reading

    45-60 mins Writing

    45-60 mins Maths



    We would like all pupils to read for at least 20 minutes per day

    MS Teams will be open for pupils between 9am and 12.30. This will either be as a continuous session or as two sessions with a break in the middle. This mirrors the organisation of the school morning.

    Pupils nor teachers are expected to be at their screens for the duration of this time.  The meeting is kept open to allow the pupils to stay in connection with the teacher for further support/ feedback. They will hear the teacher say something like,  ‘turn away from your computer now to complete this task. You will have xx minutes to do this. I will be here on the Chat if you need my help’

    Independent tasks are set within or following direct live teaching


    45-60 mins afternoon lesson on a weekly range of the above subjects.


    KS1:   Y2

    Reading, Writing and Maths – totalling 2 and a half hours approximately



    Two live direct teaching sessions in the morning at 9.30-10.00 and 11.00-11.30

    Small guiding reading sessions for targeted groups 

    A pre-recorded HLPS phonics teaching videos every day

    9.00-9.30 – PE – Joe Wicks

    Live direct teaching session 1.15-1.45 and a follow up activity


    3.00 – closing storytime

    KS1:    Y1

    Reading, Writing and Maths – totalling 2 and a half hours approximately


    We would like all pupils to read for at least 10-15 minutes per day

    Three live direct teaching sessions in the morning at 10.00-10.30,  1.15-1.45 and 3-3.20




    Science and other curriculum activities totalling approximately 1 hour


     3.00 – closing storytime



    Phonics, reading, maths and writing learning with follow up activities covering approximately 2 hours for core subjects


    We would like all pupils to read for at least 10-15 minutes per day

    2 live direct teaching sessions morning and afternoon each day (Routines and Phonics and Well-being/Games)

    Small group guided phonics each day

    At least 2 to 3 HLPS pre-recorded videos each day covering maths, writing, reading.

    Activities directed for approximately 30 mins will be provided for the remaining EYFS curriculum areas.



    Phonics, reading, maths and physical (pre writing skills) learning with follow up activities covering approximately 30-45 mins per day

    One live direct teaching session at 9.30 (2 days a week phonics, 2 days a week maths and I day week BTBM)

    Following this, are HLPS teaching videos and activities set on Tapestry. 

    Activities directed for approximately 30 mins will be provided for the remaining EYFS curriculum areas.

    All live lessons will be recorded and uploaded to Tapestry and Teams to enable flexible use if a pupil/family cannot make the allotted live lesson time. We would highly recommend that where possible pupils do attend as they will benefit from the live talk, interaction and feedback that the lesson will give.

    Themes/Science/BTBM/PE curriculums.

    Teachers will plan activities and learning for the afternoons that will continue to teach these aspects of the curriculum. They will be in line with the current learning in the classroom. There will be a range of these activities across the week and could where possible will mirror the timetable that the pupils have in class during the week.


    You will receive a generic timetable for your child’s learning for the day/week. This timetable covers scheduled live lessons, independent tasks, links to videos to watch and the timings for other collective activities –such as story time, PE etc. the timetable will clearly state which lessons are on each day. Timetables will stay the same to foster good routines and expectations for the pupils both at home and in the building.  

    Breaks will be built into all remote learning as they would be in the classroom. These breaks may range from a full 15-20 minute break to a quick blast of something ( star jumps for 30 seconds ) to get them up out of their seat and moving regularly.

  • Section 6: Effective teaching and learning strategies
    • We recognise that the effectiveness of remote teaching shares the same characteristics of strong classroom teaching: clear modelling, questioning, guided practice, Now feedback, learner engagement, autonomy and self- management and practice and application.
    • Teachers will explain concepts and provide modelling. This will then be followed by a period of guided practice where pupils will remain online whilst they practice. A return to the live lesson and the teacher will then allow feedback, sharing and further teaching where necessary. Independent work should then follow for the pupil. During the independent practice time, teachers will be available on Teams/Tapestry to answer questions and provide further clarification and feedback.
    • A pupil-to-pupil support will also be available to pupils using the MS Teams platform for older pupils.
    • Pre and post learning tasks can be set to facilitate better engagement and success during live lessons. TA’s will support this process.
    • Feedback and assessment – please use live lessons as much as possible to provide ongoing feedback and then Tapestry and the Channels within Teams to comment on uploaded work. Teachers will continue to offer the high level of support and feedback. Whilst not being expected to feedback on every child’s every piece of work, teachers will assign certain tasks to receiving more feedback than others and to ensure that some feedback is given to all pupils over a 2 day period.
    • Where possible use KO’s, quizzes, progress checks and exit questions to gain an understanding of what children have understood/need to practice etc


    For those pupils with identified SEND, differentiated activities will be set through the above class process: for individual pupils with an ECHP and who need more personalised learning tasks, these will be provided for by class teachers and SEND TA’s.

    Additional small group sessions will be arranged by year group teachers, either with themselves or a TA, to provide more targeted support for individual pupils.


    High expectations for behaviour will continue to be upheld. On line, teachers and TA’s will make clear the expectations for conduct and behaviour expected whilst remote learning is in place These expectations relate to behaviour during live lessons and within the MS Teams platform, dress, punctuality, respect for others and safety.

    KS1 and EYFS

    There will be a balance of parent supported activities and independent activities. In the former, you will be asked to support and aid the learning for your child for the designated session. This may take the form of a directed task or supporting within one of the live/ pre-recorded HLPS video lessons. The latter is where the planned activity will be more play/independent based. This is in line with the way the children would be learning in school in the continuous provision.

    Pupils in school provision needing to isolate

    If a bubble in school has to isolate – the provision for their education will become remote and they will receive their learning from the associated isolating teacher/Year group team.

    If, due to any of the following reasons, a pupil in the key worker provision cannot attend school because

    1. they are awaiting test results and so needing to self-isolate
    2. they are self-isolating (up to 10 days) due to positive result in their household

    The pupil will either stream live into their Bubble’s lessons within school or join their partner Bubble for remote learning access.