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It is essential that our children feel safe, supported and cared for in their learning and relationships within and beyond our school. Our 3 rules of Safe, Respectful and Hardworking underpin the principles of high expectations for all, positive behaviour strategies and consistency. All staff are unrelenting in pursuit of this aim and we are proud to be a safeguarding school.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility at Heyes Lane Primary School. The purpose of our safeguarding policy is to ensure every child who is a registered pupil at our school is safe and protected from harm. This means we will always work to:

· Protect children at our school from maltreatment;

· Prevent impairment of our children’s health or development;

· Ensure that children at our school grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care;

· Undertake that role so as to enable children at our school to have the best outcomes.

Our policy gives clear direction to staff, volunteers, visitors, governors and parents about our expectations and our legal responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children at our school. Our school fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children from harm and to support and promote the welfare of all children who are registered pupils at our school..

If you ever have any emergency safeguarding concerns during term time or out of term time then please email safeguarding@heyeslane.co.uk.

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Online Referral Form


0161 912 5125



However, if you have safeguarding concerns about any child in the Trafford area anyone is able to contact Trafford First Response to share these concerns.

Operations Encompass

Additional to the above, Heyes Lane Primary School recognises the significant impact domestic violence/abuse can have on children and young people.  Therefore we have signed up to Operation Encompass.

Operation Encompass is a system which facilitates the sharing of information relating to domestic incidents where children live or frequent. See uploaded Operation Encompass doc for the Encompass process for sharing information.

Download Operation Encompass Flow Chart
Download Operation Support Leaflet
Download OE Booklet – DA Break the Cycle
Download Children Experiencing DA Inform Booklet

Safeguarding and SEND

The school understands that children with special educational needs and disabilities can face additional safeguarding challenges.

  • Some pupils with SEND may not be aware that they are being harmed
  • Some pupil with SEND may not be able to communicate their ideas, needs and feelings as easily as their peers
  • Any changes in behaviour may be considered to be linked their SEND

We have additional resources to support our SEND pupils to communicate any issues or worries. 



The effects of the Covid 19 pandemic have had far reaching consequences, especially on the safety and well-being of all pupils and families.  We continue to be vigilant around ensuring our pupils’ our safe from harm and follow the processes in place to report concerns.   See our Safeguarding Policy Amendment below for further information.

Online Safety

Ensuring pupils are safe online is part of our safeguarding culture.  Pupils are taught about online safety through our curriculum, which helps them develop safe behaviours online and an understanding of the risks when using the internet.  National Online Safety produce excellent guides for parents/carers and pupils about different aspects of online safety.  See below for further info for the most relevant ones.

Young Minds

Further Info

Please see Parent/Carer info posters about different areas of online safety.