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Heyes Lane Primary School has a 52 place Nursery class, as well as provision for children up to the age of 11. Please see the appropriate section below for details of our admissions arrangements to our Nursery and Reception classes, or for in-year admissions.

Choosing the right school can be a daunting decision, and it is important that you make the right choice for the needs of your child. We would encourage parents who are considering sending their child to Heyes Lane to attend our Open Morning in the Autumn Term and get a feel for what a fabulous school it is.

Nursery Admissions – (processed by the school office)

  • Nursery Admissions Criteria

    1. Looked after children
    2. Children of Heyes Lane Primary School Staff
    3. Children in zone, with siblings
    4. Children in zone, without siblings
    5. Children out of zone, with siblings
    6. Children out of zone, without siblings.

  • Late Applications

    Late applications received after the closing date will be considered once the initial application process has been completed. Dates for this process can be obtained from the school office.

  • In-Year Admissions

    Places for in-year applicants will be considered using the above admission criteria providing there are spaces available.  Please contact the school office if you wish to apply for an in-year place.

  • Nursery Application Form

    Applications for September 2025 close on the 15th January 2025. To apply for a Nursey place for your child please follow the link below and complete our online applicaton form.


  • Reception Admissions (processed by Trafford Council)

    Information Regarding Pupil numbers from September 2026

    We are changing our pupil numbers from September 2026, please follow this link for further information https://www.trafford.gov.uk/residents/schools/school-admissions/2026/2026-proposed-admission-arrangements.aspx

    September 2025 Admissions

    Applications for our Reception places are managed by Trafford Council, the closing date for applications is 15th January 2025.  Offers will be made by Trafford Council on 16th April 2025. 

    Trafford Council Admissions Team helpline is 0161 912 5007 and is open from 10am to 2pm each weekday or email school.admissions@trafford.gov.uk

    If you are a resident in Trafford you must apply via the Trafford Admissions portal (link below):

    Trafford Admissions  

    If you are a resident in another local authority (ie. Manchester) you will need to apply through your own local authority and choose Heyes Lane Primary School as one of the options, the link for Manchester is below:

    Manchester Admissions

  • Reception Admissions Criteria:
    1. Looked after children
    2. Children in zone, with siblings
    3. Children in zone, without siblings
    4. Children out of zone, with siblings
    5. Children out of zone, without siblings
  • In-Year Admissions to Other Year Groups


    All parents wishing for their child to attend Heyes Lane Primary School must apply through the Trafford Admissions portal.  Admissions criteria are the same as those used for both Nursery and Reception places. 

    Trafford Admissions